The Leaf | Morphology | Class 11

The Leaf | Morphology | Class 11

#LeafMorphology #Class11Biology #PlantAnatomy #LeafStructure #Photosynthesis #Botany #PlantScience #Education #ScienceEducation #Academic

0 1 20
Parts of Flower | Class 11 | Morphology of Flowering Plants

Parts of Flower | Class 11 | Morphology of Flowering Plants

#PartsOfFlower #FlowerAnatomy #PlantReproduction #MorphologyOfFloweringPlants #Class11Biology #NCERTBiology #PlantScience #Botany #FlowerStructure #PlantKingdom

0 2 31
Electricity Numerical | Important Topics for Exam | Board Exam | Class 10 Science

Electricity Numerical | Important Topics for Exam | Board Exam | Class 10 Science

#ElectricityNumericals #Class10Science #BoardExamPrep #PhysicsProblems #ScienceStudyTips #CBSEBoardExams #ExamPreparation #ImportantTopics #ScienceEducation #AcademicGoals

0 4 43
Physical Properties of Metals | Chemistry 10 | Metals & Non-Metals

Physical Properties of Metals | Chemistry 10 | Metals & Non-Metals

#MetalPropertiesClass10 #ScienceClass10 #ChemistryClass10 #MetalsAndNonMetals #MalleabilityDuctility #ConductivityHeatElectricity #LusterSonorous #PhysicalStatesOfMetals #MetalScienceForStudents #LearnScienceFun

0 3 23
Mendelian disorders on PYQ | Class 12 | Principles of Inheritance & Variation

Mendelian disorders on PYQ | Class 12 | Principles of Inheritance & Variation

#MendelianDisordersPYQ #GeneticsPYQ #InheritancePYQ #Class12Biology #NEETPYQ #CBSEBiology #GeneticDisorders #MendelianGenetics #DominantRecessive #PedigreeAnalysis

0 1 42
It Momentum of a body is increased by 20% |Work Energy Power (JEE Problems) | 12 Physics

It Momentum of a body is increased by 20% |Work Energy Power (JEE Problems) | 12 Physics

#WorkEnergyPower #JEEPhysics #MomentumProblems #KineticEnergy #MomentumIncrease #20PercentIncrease #KEvsMomentum #WorkEnergyTheorem #PhysicsChallenge #CrackJEE

0 1 27
Exceptions in Coordination Compounds | Chemistry 12

Exceptions in Coordination Compounds | Chemistry 12

#CoordinationChemistryExceptions #InorganicChemistryExceptions #LigandFieldTheoryExceptions #CrystalFieldTheoryExceptions #CoordinationNumberExceptions #ChelateEffectExceptions #Werner'sTheoryExceptions #VBTExceptions #CFTExceptions #CoordinationChemistry12

0 1 44
Valence Bond Theory : NH3 & H2O | chemical bonding | Class 12 Chemistry

Valence Bond Theory : NH3 & H2O | chemical bonding | Class 12 Chemistry

#ValenceBondTheory #ChemicalBonding #Class12Chemistry #NH3 #Ammonia #H2O #Water #Hybridization #VBT #ChemicalStructures

0 1 34
Write the Chemical Equations to show what happens when | Carbon & It's Compound | Class 10

Write the Chemical Equations to show what happens when | Carbon & It's Compound | Class 10

#CarbonChemistry #Class10Science #ChemicalEquations #CarbonCompounds #OrganicChemistry #CBSEClass10 #ScienceEducation #StudyTips #ExamPrep #LearningJourney

0 1 30
Valence Bond Theory : Strong Ligand [Co(Cn)6]-3 | Coordination Compounds

Valence Bond Theory : Strong Ligand [Co(Cn)6]-3 | Coordination Compounds

#ValenceBondTheory #VBT #StrongLigand #LigandFieldTheory #CoordinationChemistry #InorganicChemistry #MetalComplexes #CrystalFieldTheory #dOrbitalSplitting #CoordinationBonding

0 1 49
Write Balance Chemical Equation | Class 10 | Chemistry

Write Balance Chemical Equation | Class 10 | Chemistry

#BalancedEquations #Class10Chemistry #ChemicalReactions #Stoichiometry #BalancingEquations #CBSEClass10 #ICSEClass10 #ChemistryHelp #ScienceEducation #LearnChemistry

0 4 59
Valence Bond Theory : Weak Ligand [CoF6]-3 | Coordination Compounds

Valence Bond Theory : Weak Ligand [CoF6]-3 | Coordination Compounds

#ValenceBondTheory #CoordinationCompounds #InorganicChemistry #Chemistry #[CoF6]3- #WeakLigand #OctahedralGeometry #Paramagnetic #OuterOrbitalComplex #HighSpinComplex

0 1 49
Electron dot structures Mg & O | | Class10 CBSE

Electron dot structures Mg & O | | Class10 CBSE

#ElectronDotStructure #Magnesium #Oxygen #ValenceElectrons #ChemicalBonding #CBSEClass10 #ScienceEducation #ChemistryConcepts #LearningChemistry #EducationalContent

0 8 69
A force is represented by F=ax2+bt(1/2)where x distance & t time. | Dimension Analysis | Class 12

A force is represented by F=ax2+bt(1/2)where x distance & t time. | Dimension Analysis | Class 12

#physicswallah_ki_gang #class12 #science #education #learning #highschoolphysics #physicstips #studytips #dimensionalanalysis #unitsandmeasurements #dimensions #physicalquantities #dimensionalformula #erroranalysis #physicshelp

0 2 18
இங்க படிக்கற students தான் 58% UPSC EXAMS Crack பண்றாங்க!!

இங்க படிக்கற students தான் 58% UPSC EXAMS Crack பண்றாங்க!!


0 7 195
Ecological Pyramid on PYQ | Class 12 Biology | Ecosystem

Ecological Pyramid on PYQ | Class 12 Biology | Ecosystem

#EcologicalPyramid #TrophicLevels #EnergyFlow #Biomass #Numbers #Producers #Consumers #Ecosystem #Class12Biology #PYQ

0 2 26
Venn Diagrams | Sets | Class 11 Maths (CBSE/NCERT)

Venn Diagrams | Sets | Class 11 Maths (CBSE/NCERT)

#VennDiagram #VennDiagramMath #SetTheory #MathVisualization #Mathematics #DataVisualization #LogicalReasoning #Diagramming #IntersectionUnion #VennDiagramPractice #MathConcepts #MathEducation #VennSets #VennDiagramExamples #TeachingMath

0 6 191
The mass of Zinc Produced by the Electrolysis of ZnSo4 Solution with a| Electrochemistry JEE 29Jan24

The mass of Zinc Produced by the Electrolysis of ZnSo4 Solution with a| Electrochemistry JEE 29Jan24

#Electrochemistry #JEE2024 #Electrolysis #ZincDeposition #ZnSO4 #FaradaysLaw #QuantitativeElectrochemistry #ElectrochemicalCalculations #ChemistryProblems #CompetitiveExams

0 1 25
How to score 100/100 in Mathematics |Last Minute Preparation Strategy | Grade 10 CBSE

How to score 100/100 in Mathematics |Last Minute Preparation Strategy | Grade 10 CBSE

#CentumInMaths #Grade10Maths #CBSEMaths #MathsCentum #TwoMonthsToCentum #MathsPreparation #CBSEBoardExams #Score100InMaths #MathsTipsAndTricks #CentumTarget

3 16 242
Life Cycle of Plasmodium | Case Based Question | CLASS 12 | NEET

Life Cycle of Plasmodium | Case Based Question | CLASS 12 | NEET

#PlasmodiumLifeCycle #MalariaParasite #MedicalParasitology #DiseaseVector #AnophelesMosquito #CaseStudyMalaria #ClinicalCasePlasmodium #MedicalCaseAnalysis #DiseaseDiagnosis #PublicHealthChallenge

0 1 32
What is the monohybrid cross between tall pea plant TT and dwarf pea plant TT? | Class 10

What is the monohybrid cross between tall pea plant TT and dwarf pea plant TT? | Class 10

#MonohybridCross #Mendel'sLaws #Genetics #PeaPlant #DominantTrait #RecessiveTrait #Genotype #Phenotype #BiologyClass10 #ScienceEducation

0 2 23
my 5 best neet exam success tricks .

my 5 best neet exam success tricks .

the best neet coaching center in karur.trichy, Perambalur, Erode, Tiruppur # NEET coaching center # neet success secret # neet​. neet exam 2022 syllabus #Best​ neet coaching center # top 10 neet coaching center.

0 7 110
Draw the structure of the following Compounds | Carbon & it's Compound |PYQ

Draw the structure of the following Compounds | Carbon & it's Compound |PYQ

#CarbonCompounds #ChemicalStructures #OrganicChemistry #StructuralFormulas #Isomers #FunctionalGroups #PYQChemistry #CarbonAndItsCompounds #ChemistryEducation #DrawingStructures

0 0 22
Electricity Numerical | Important Topics for Exam part 2 | Board Exam | Class 10 Science

Electricity Numerical | Important Topics for Exam part 2 | Board Exam | Class 10 Science

#ElectricityNumericals #Class10Science #BoardExamPrep #ScienceExam #ExamTips #OhmLaw #ElectricCircuits #ResistanceCalculations #PowerCalculations #PhysicsProblems

0 4 75
Carbon & It's Compound || PYQ 2 || Class 10

Carbon & It's Compound || PYQ 2 || Class 10

#CarbonChemistry #OrganicChemistry #Class10Science #CBSEBoardExams #CarbonCompounds #Hydrocarbons #AlkanesAlkenesAlkynes #FunctionalGroups #Isomerism #ChemicalReactions

0 1 51
Numerical of Sets Part -2 | Sets | Class 11 Maths (CBSE/NCERT)

Numerical of Sets Part -2 | Sets | Class 11 Maths (CBSE/NCERT)

#settheory #setoperations #NumericalSets #MathProblems #MathematicalSets #MathConcepts #SetsAndFunctions #DiscreteMathematics #AdvancedMathematics #SetNotation

0 2 31
Projectile Motion| Horizontal Projection | Class 11 Physics

Projectile Motion| Horizontal Projection | Class 11 Physics

NEET/IIT-JEE/CBSE/ISC #ProjectileMotion #Physics #Kinematics #PhysicsEducation #PhysicsConcepts #Trajectory #PhysicsStudents #Mechanics #PhysicsLovers #ParabolicPath #MotionIn2D #PhysicsExplained #STEMEducation #PhysicsIsFun #LearningPhysics subscribe channel @graavitons

2 9 71
Structures and Shapes with Lone Pairs | Molecular Basis | Class 11

Structures and Shapes with Lone Pairs | Molecular Basis | Class 11

#StructuresAndShapesWithLonePairs #MolecularBasis #Class11Chemistry #VSEPRTheory #LonePairEffect #BondAngles #MolecularGeometry #Polarity #Hybridization #ChemistryConcepts

1 3 43
Projectile Motion Part -4 | Find a angle of Projection | Class 11 Physics

Projectile Motion Part -4 | Find a angle of Projection | Class 11 Physics

#projectilemotion #physicsinmotion #TrajectoryPhysics #physicsconcepts #projectilepath #kinematics #physicsmadeeasy #physicsofmotion #launchangle NEET/IIT-JEE/CBSE/ISC

3 8 83
Centre of Mass - JEE Problems | Class 11 Physics

Centre of Mass - JEE Problems | Class 11 Physics

#CenterOfMass #COMPhysics #JEEPhysics #Class11Physics #MechanicsProblems #RigidBodyDynamics #JEEPreparation #PhysicsConcepts #ProblemSolving #ConceptualPhysics

0 2 24
Find the cube of two digit number ending with 1 | Cube Tricks | Speed Math | Math Tips and Tricks

Find the cube of two digit number ending with 1 | Cube Tricks | Speed Math | Math Tips and Tricks

#CubeTricks #SpeedMath #MathTipsAndTricks #MathHack #MathMagic #QuickMath #EasyMath #MathShortcut #MentalMath #FindTheCube

0 3 71
Numerical Based On Resistance & Resistivity | Electricity | Class 10

Numerical Based On Resistance & Resistivity | Electricity | Class 10

#NumericalPhysics #ElectricityNumericals #ResistanceNumericals #ResistivityNumericals #Ohm'sLawNumericals #PhysicsProblems #ScienceNumericals #CompetitiveExamPrep #NEETPhysics #JEEPhysics

0 2 34
Let's Learn 12th Physics - Term-1- Session-1

Let's Learn 12th Physics - Term-1- Session-1

Introduction to 12th CBSE, 12th ISC - Term-1 Syllabus and its weightage. Chapter name and it's mark allocation.

3 19 177
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